N6 Transport Project Update and Public Consultation Reminder.

28th July 2015

The Public have up to noon on Friday the 31st July to put in submissions to the City Council on what is referred to as the ‘Integrated Traffic Management Programme’
The advertisement was in the Galway Independent on Wednesday the 8th July but it seems quite a number of people were not aware of this.

There is still time however and I would encourage people to use this opportunity to let Council Management know their views on what is a sustainable transport solution for the City.

Submissions should be made in writing to ITMP, Galway Transportation Unit, Galway City Council, City Hall, College Rd, Galway or

By email to gtu@galwaycity.ie

I believe that there is a now golden opportunity for Galway City to get it right and I have repeatedly expressed my own views at every public opportunity as to where I stand on the subject.

Certainly the proposed new road at more than 30 million a kilometre for a distance of 16 and half kilometres and a total cost of 500 million Euro in order to put more traffic on roads is not the solution for Galway in my opinion.

Judging by the reaction at three public meetings over the last six months the people of Galway also want a more sustainable solution, just make sure that Galway City Council Management know that!


 Press Release.

Cllr Catherine Connolly said the proposed new 500 million 16 ½ Kilometre Road working out at more than 30 million a kilometre is an obscenity particularly when there are cheaper and more sustainable solutions.

Councillor Connolly said she very much appreciates the huge effort that went into organizing the public meeting held in the Clayton Hotel last week to highlight the Castlegar Community’s concerns re the proposed new N6 Road.

Not surprisingly she said given the previous unanimous rejection of the proposed new road by those who attended packed public meetings both in the Westwood Hotel and another in Barna earlier in the year, the Casltegar Community Group have now added their voices in saying no to this project.

Cllr Connolly said she is also delighted that the three groups have confirmed they will work together to strengthen their voice and to ensure that this project will not go ahead whilst at the same time calling for an alternative sustainable solution to the City’s Traffic Congestion.

In this regard it is vitally important she said that the combined group now put in a strong submission to the City Council on the ‘Integrated Transport Management Programme for Galway City’. This programme is open for submissions from the public up to noon on Friday the 31st July said Cllr Connolly and she would appeal to the groups and to the public in general to put in submissions and make their voices heard.

Moreover said Cllr Connolly there is a golden opportunity for Galway to get it right and show the way in providing sustainable transport including light rail which would be of huge economic benefit to the City.

Light Rail is up and running in similar size cities and towns all over Europe and it is past time for City Council Management and for the appointed Engineering Company Arup to examine these success stories.

Moreover from her own research, Cllr Connolly said the price of providing light rail for a similar distance is half the price of the 500 million euro road proposed which works out at over 30 million per kilometer for the proposed 16 and half kilometer stretch.

Moreover she said focusing in on the provision of more roads continues to prevent the Council Executive from examining more sustainable options which could be implemented fairly quickly and/or as part of a three/five year plan.


4 Commerce House, Flood Street, Galway.
Tel: 091-567870
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