Management and Operation of the new Community Centre in Knocknacarra -Motion tabled and passed at last City Council Meeting before the local elections.
Good News: At a recent public meeting in Knocknacarra I promised to table an urgent motion so as to ensure no further steps were taken in the process of privatising the management and operation of the new Community Centre.
I am delighted to report that the motion was passed unanimously.
Press Release –Cllr Catherine Connolly on the 28th April 2014
Councillor Catherine Connolly welcomes unanimous support for her Motion in relation to the Knocknacarra Community Centre and also the City Manager’s undertaking in relation to same.
Cllr Connolly said she tabled the motion further to her commitment to do so a recent Public Meeting in Knocknacarra.
At the last meeting of the City Council prior to the forthcoming local elections, Cllr Connolly said she tabled a motion in relation to the operation and management of the new Community Centre in Knocknacarra. This motion specifically asked the City Manager to undertake not to take any further steps further to the completion of the ‘expressions of interest’ process which the Council had commenced and in particular not to take any further steps in relation to the proposed tender process so as to allow the community to come on board and also to allow for a full report back to the newly elected City Council prior to any further decisions being taken.
The motion was passed unanimously by all Councillors and the Manager agreed to abide by same.
Councillor Connolly said this is a very sensible decision and will allow the new Council to listen to what the Knocknacarra Community actually want and more particularly to allow interested residents/sporting groups and/or other community organizations put forward reasonable proposals which will enable the Community Centre to remain open for the maximum number of hours and to be run by the people for the people.
Cllr Connolly said she is delighted that the privatisation process has been halted for now and the challenge for all interested parties is to find a workable community solution to the operation and management of the new Community Centre.